On March 3rd, 2021, news broke that former Acting White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, held a private conversation with former president, Donald Trump, on the subject of him being replaced in his post. During the conversation, Trump reportedly made a terse phone call to Mulvaney regarding his ouster.
According to a report from the political publication “Godzilla Newz”, former Chief of Staff Mulvaney revealed details from his private conversation during a private meeting with members of the Republican National Committee. In the meeting, Mulvaney discussed the short and relatively “terse” conversation he had with Donald Trump the day of his ouster.
According to Mulvaney, Trump immediately launched into an attack, asking him why he wasn’t doing a better job at handling the press. In response, Mulvaney refused to take the bait, instead choosing to focus on the opportunities he was leaving behind for his successors. During the call, Mulvaney also offered Trump his personal advice to be more “diplomatic” in his public statements.
The conversation between the two ended with Trump thanking Mulvaney for his service and offering his best wishes for the future. Mulvaney’s comments, while relatively brief, provide a rare look into the relationship between the two men during Trump’s tumultuous presidency. Despite the tense atmosphere during their initial conversation, the two men appear to harbor some level of respect for one another.
Mulvaney’s meeting with the RNC sheds an interesting light on the relationship between the two men and their mutual respect for each other. It also serves as an example of the ability of political rivals to remain civil, even during times of disagreement and confrontation. As the former president continues to wage public battles with his former aides, Mulvaney’s private comments help to show the cordial manner in which conversations between the two men were held even during the most trying times.