As Veterans Day approaches, the Department of Veterans Affairs is taking a timely look back at the impressive achievements of the U.S. military veterans’ community — most of which happen to involve the feats of World War II-era veterans.
The VA’s Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) recently held a press conference at its Washington, DC headquarters. During the event, VBA Administrator J. David Cox outlined the remarkable feats of American veterans in the past 70 years, such as the Allied victory in World War II, the Gulf War of 1991, and more recently Operation Enduring Freedom in the Global War on Terror.
Cox praised the accomplishments of the Greatest Generation, noting that today’s nation has a debt of gratitude to WWII veterans for their service. But he also reminded everyone present of the obstacles that modern veterans still face today.
For instance, the VA still has to deal with backlogs, excessive processing times, and a veteran’s claim gap that could take up to a year and a half to fill. Cox also noted a decline in veterans’ health care services due to the ever-growing population. The problem, he stated, is exacerbated by the fact that many once-rural towns are now sprawling cities.
The VA is doing its best to address these issues. In August, the VA announced that it is rolling out a new artificial intelligence (AI) system to help identify veteran mortality. The AI tool monitors veteran service records and provides the latest information on their life expectancy.
Furthermore, the VA recently opened its first medical center in Belize in honor of Belizean veterans. This is the first VA hospital in Central America and is expected to serve several thousand veterans in the area.
Overall, the VA is doing its best to take care of veterans. However, it is clear that much work still needs to be done. The recognition of a veterans’ service and the acknowledgment of their achievements should not be overlooked. It is even more important that we support them by working together to ensure they have the resources they need to flourish.